Sind Sie auch schon auf die Kennzeichnungspflicht Ihrer Umverpackung angesprochen worden?

So kommen bei uns typische Anschreiben rein:

The member states of the European Union are taking progressive steps to implement the EU Guidelines 2018/851 and 2018/852 and for this purpose are issuing their own national standards.
You can find the EU Guidelines here:

EUR-Lex – 32018L0851 – EN – EUR-Lex (
Directive (EU) 2018/852 of the European parliament and the Council of 30 May 2018 amending Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste – European Environment Agency (

The Italian Guideline is named Decreto Legislativo 116/2020 and released on 09/03/2020. It deals with the legal obligation to mark all packaging materials with the respective Recycling Code.
For example:

For the reason that we cannot rule out deliveries of our Spare Parts to Italy, it means in particular that all packaging materials, which are being delivered to us, have to be marked according to the standards.
We ask you kindly to immediately make sure that the markings on your packaging are complying with the new regulation and the conformity is guaranteed on 01/01/2022.

You can find more information in the following links:

Conai Progettare Riciclo

Board of trade:
Umweltkennzeichnung der Verpackungen / Chamber of Commerce Bolzano

Please mind the following points regarding the implementation:

– Application: The markings can be applied in printed, needled, stamped form, as well as positive or negative
– Size: The marking should be readable with or without assistive equipment
– Position: Always near an already existing marking

We stay at your disposal for further questions

Diese Schreiben sorgen zumeist dafür, dass man sich mit dieser Thematik auseinandersetzen muss:

  • Gilt diese Regelung für mich oder nicht?
  • Was muss ich wie kennzeichnen?
  • Ist das schon Gesetz oder nur ein Vorschlag von der EU?

Wichtig zu wissen: Lassen Sie sich nicht verrückt machen und sprechen Sie uns an. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.

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